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Spotless Cleaning Services

Your New York City Commercial Cleaning Experts

Expert Commercial Cleaning Services in New York City

At Get Spotless Cleaning, we understand that a clean workspace is essential for productivity, employee well-being, and creating a great first impression. Serving businesses across New York City, we provide high-quality, customized commercial cleaning services tailored to various industries.

Commercial Cleaning Company in New York City, NY

Cutting-Edge Technology

Our cleaning management platform app gives you direct access and communication with team members and supervisors, allows your to request cleaning site photos, manage your schedules and supply orders, and beyond.

Personalized Cleaners

We only assign the right cleaners for the job. You will be provided with a personal cleaner or team that adheres to your specific cleaning wants or needs. Personalized service is at the heart of what we do.

Dedicated and Reliable Professionals

We reward excellence. Our team is highly motivated to come to work every day, which is rare in this industry. Our team demonstrates commitment, hard work, and efficiency for every client we serve.

Our Testimonials

Why Spotless
What We Do
Working at Spotless
Who We Are

We Make Cleaning Seamless With Cutting-Edge Technology

We solve the common problems clients face when dealing with cleaning companies by using state-of-the-art communication and service management technology. Our cleaning management apps give our customers direct access to our cleaners and supervisors to ensure that their needs can be met in real-time. Add and adjust your cleaning supplies, schedule, and service requests at the click of a button, or provide details about your service so your cleaner ensures your satisfaction. You’ll have total quality control over your cleaning for a job well done.

What We Do

Reliable and Flexible Cleaning Scheduling

We pride ourselves on having a consistent, reliable team who shows up to the job when they say they will. We’ll provide you with one cleaning operator or a whole team, depending on the size and scope of your business. We’ll allow you to customize and set your own cleaning schedule, so you’ll get the services you need exactly when you need them. You can expect your cleaners to arrive, do their work, and leave promptly and without any interruption to your workday.

Get in Touch

lady holding bucket of cleaning supplies

We Only Hire the Right People

The team members at Spotless Cleaning truly enjoy their jobs and getting opportunities to make our clients’ lives better. How do we attract such awesome employees? By giving them the career growth, rewards, and satisfaction they need to do their best work every day. Our hiring process is rigorous and comprises multiple interviews. We don’t hire an employee unless we’re sure that they’ll go above and beyond for our clients. Forget your every perception about the cleaning industry – our team will deliver you exceptional results.

We Take Your Feedback Seriously

Spotless Cleaning would be nothing without the continuous support and feedback of our customers. Their words are critical to improving and perfecting our services. That’s why we routinely reach out to our customers to learn about their thoughts and feelings on our services. We can contact you weekly, monthly, or quarterly, depending on your cleaning schedule. Our check-ins help us ensure that we are meeting your expectations and giving the services you expect.
