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Professional Medical Office Cleaning Services in New York City

A clean and sanitized medical facility is essential for patient safety, infection control, and regulatory compliance. At Get Spotless Cleaning, we specialize in medical office cleaning in NYC, ensuring your healthcare environment is properly disinfected and maintained to the highest standards.

Comprehensive Medical Office Cleaning Services in NYC

Waiting Areas & Reception

A clean waiting area enhances patient confidence. We disinfect all surfaces, including chairs, tables, counters, and door handles.

Examination & Treatment Rooms

We sanitize medical equipment, examination tables, and countertops, ensuring a safe and sterile environment.

Restrooms & Common Areas

A hygienic restroom is crucial in any healthcare facility. We clean and disinfect sinks, toilets, and fixtures, replenish hand soap and paper towels.

Break Rooms & Offices

Staff areas also require attention. We clean countertops, appliances, and workstations to maintain a hygienic environment for employees.

Medical Equipment & High-Touch Surfaces

We focus on sanitizing high-contact areas such as medical chairs, doorknobs, elevator buttons, and light switches.

Medical Office Cleaning NYC

Why Choose Get Spotless Cleaning?

We provide highly trained professionals who understand the strict cleaning protocols required in healthcare settings. Our team follows OSHA and CDC guidelines to ensure your facility meets industry standards for cleanliness and safety. We use hospital-grade disinfectants to eliminate bacteria and viruses, reducing the risk of infections. With flexible scheduling, we accommodate your business hours to minimize disruptions. Our detailed cleaning approach covers all areas of your medical facility, from waiting rooms to exam rooms.

Industries We Serve

We provide specialized cleaning for doctor’s offices, dental clinics, urgent care centers, physical therapy clinics, hospitals, and outpatient facilities. Each facility receives a tailored cleaning plan based on its unique needs.


NYC Top View

Service Areas in New York City

We serve businesses throughout NYC, including:

  • Manhattan
  • Brooklyn
  • Queens
  • Bronx
  • Staten Island

No matter where your Medical office is located, we provide professional cleaning services tailored to your needs.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How often should medical offices be cleaned?

Daily cleaning is recommended for high-traffic areas, with additional deep cleaning scheduled as needed.

Do you use hospital-grade disinfectants?

Yes, we use EPA-approved disinfectants that eliminate bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens.

Can cleaning be scheduled after hours?

Absolutely! We offer flexible cleaning schedules, including evenings and weekends, to accommodate your facility’s needs.

Is your staff trained in medical cleaning protocols?

Yes, our team is trained in OSHA and CDC-compliant cleaning procedures, including biohazard waste handling.

Contact Get Spotless Cleaning for a Free Quote

Ensure your medical facility remains clean, safe, and compliant with our expert cleaning services. Contact Get Spotless Cleaning today for a free estimate and let us help maintain a healthy environment for your patients and staff.

Choose Us for a New Kind of Cleaning Service